Everyone Wants To Change The World But Only Wanting Won't Do!

~ Amogh Bhatnagar

Our Mission

The Amogh Memorial Welfare Foundation (AMWF) is a non-profit organization, registered under the Madhya Pradesh Societies Registration Act, 1973 and is formed with the objective of creating awareness about Mental Health and propagating Positive Psychology among teenagers.

The Amogh Memorial Welfare Foundation propagates Positive Psychology & mental health awareness by community involvement and acts through volunteers who are a part of different Chapters & Groups. A chapter consists of several operational groups.

The volunteers at these groups & chapters learn and practice aspects of positive psychology through games, discussions, activities, workshops & seminars.

Volunteers also promote the organization's objectives through various activities using Social Media, Nukkad Natak and other related activities (confirming to volunteer's framework) and motivate others to join the movement and get benefitted!

The newly joined volunteer first undergoes an induction program where he/she learns about the organizational culture, its values and his roles & responsibilities as a volunteer.

The term Psychology creates a picture of healing or in other words correcting & repairing something which went wrong.

We feel that psychological counselling is mostly used for dealing with negative aspects of human behaviour or disturbing thought patterns and hence considered as a social taboo.

Positive psychology began as a new domain of psychology in 1998 when Martin Seligman chose it as the theme for his term as president of the American Psychological Association. It is a reaction against past practices, which have tended to focus on mental illness and emphasized maladaptive behaviour and negative thinking.

As a field, positive psychology spends much of its time thinking about topics like character strengths, optimism, life satisfaction, happiness, wellbeing, gratitude, compassion (as well as self-compassion), self-esteem and self-confidence, hope and elevation.

Positive psychology is a scientific approach to studying human thoughts, feelings, and behaviour with a focus on strengths instead of weaknesses, building the good in life instead of repairing the bad, and taking the lives of average people up to “great” instead of focusing solely on moving those who are struggling up to “normal” (Peterson, 2008).

Positive psychology is not simply a focus on positive thinking and positive emotions. It‘s much more than that. Rather, the area of positive psychology is focused on what makes individuals and communities flourish.

Flourishing is defined as “a state of positive mental health wherein one thrives and prospers with emotional vitality, functioning positively in private and social realms.”

Become A Volunteer

We have several options & opportunities to enable individuals get involved in the community service despite their time constraints.

Volunteering is made easy as it caters to the individual’s interests and convenience w.r.t. time availability and location.

To become a volunteer, please visit join us page!

Make Donation

Amogh Memorial Welfare Foundation is a non-profit community-based organization and meet the expenses by way of donations!

For your monetary contribution, please visit donation page!


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Please visit Sponsor Us page or drop a message on contact us page

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